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Antiques, Vintage & New Collectable & Coins

Number 1 in Kenosha County


Buying and selling most items. We sell for the most part antiques and collectables but do also buy & sell some newer stuff. The mall its self is 2 stores mall 2 the one in the photo and mall 1 right next door. The mall has over 200 dealers. This site is for dealer KV who is also the main buyer.

He has items in both stores.

Please stop in and see us thanks.

If you have items to sell to dealer KV just call his number. He buys just about everything.



Benson Corners Antique Mall

Bristol, WI

Mall 2 Phone (262) 857-9456

Mall 1 Phone (262) 857-2581





19942 75th St, Bristol, WI 53104, USA

Phone Mall 1: 262 857 2581

Phone Mall 2: 262 857 9456

Web Address:


mall 1

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This site is owned and run by DEALer: kv. please help the site  stay up and give a small donation buy clicking the donate button thank you. Benson Corners current owner's Great Great Grandfather purchased the family farm at the site we now recognize as Benson Corners during the Civil War Year of 1864. In 1936 a Gas Station was built on the site and when Highway 50 was widened in the late 1980's a new Gas Station was built with a  6500 square foot basement which was then used as the Benson Oil Company's offices. Later, in the early 1990's that same basement was converted into an Antique Mall. That space was occupied by the Thrift Store which is also operated by a 7th Generation member of the Benson Family. Then years latter was Converted back into a antique mall .  Benson Corners Antique Mall is now housed in the basement and  in a modern 11,000 square foot building which opened in October 2008 right next soorFor over 25 years Benson Corners Antique Mall has been home to a wonderful array of antiques, collectibles & more! Come & visit us soon & visit us often as inventory changes frequently.

Benson Corners Antique Mall Dealer KV

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